New Kids Garden

With a generous grant from the Mustard Seed and help from Boy Scout Trope 521, Eagle Scout candidate Connor, we now have a raised bed for a Kids Garden.  The raised bed  was planted May 24 with beans, carrots, turnips, beets, cucumbers and watermelon, and the kids also planted seed potatoes in the new straw bale demonstration garden, and pole beans on a trellis. 

After playing a game to match up a seed with it's plant, the kids dug right in planting, looking at each kind of seed to determine how deep to plant it, and then making rows for the planting.  They also mixed "soil" of vermiculite, compost and garden soil to add to the straw bales to plant seed potatoes.  This new experience for all the kids was really fun - sticking their hands down in the warm damp straw bales to make a tunnel for the seed potato, adding the potato, covering with more soil and the left over straw.  Lastly, bush beans were planted under the trellis. We can't wait to see what comes up!

The kids will be encouraged to visit the garden weekly to see gage the progress of the seeds, assist with weeding, and when time to harvest, the kids will take the food home for their own use.  Thanks to our helpers:  the garden team, our Priest Katherine, and visitor volunteers.

We invite you to visit the garden to see all the exciting things going on at the All Souls Community Garden.

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